Does anyone know how to control or stop physic abilities?
2009-03-24 06:08:12 UTC
I would really like if someone could advise me on this.

Since I was a child I have just known 'things' before they happen.
Being a child they were mostly things children are interested in and
so not that important. At first I thought I was exceptionally good at
guessing but as I got older I though I was paranoid and frankly a bit nuts.

By the way I am a 35 years old well educated Irish guy. I am not particular religions
and I now KNOW from repeated incidents that I am definitely not paranoid or nuts.
I am also sure that this is something I can not just turn off, although I wish I could.
In general I only sense approaching accidents or death with different degrees of accuracy based
on time and emotional intensity.

For example:
Between the 15th March 2009 and 14th March 2009 and the 21st March 2009 I went on
a skiing holiday. On the 13th March 2009 (yes it was a Friday not that that is important)
I was chatting to a work colleague about the my ski trip. My colleague mentioned that I should
get a helmet and as she said it I felt something similar to a feeling of deja-vu and felt that somebody
famous was going to die skiing through a head injury while I was on my holidays. There are a lot
of famous people out there, and for the first time ever I could not get a feel for the person, as in
what they looked like or if they were male or female, Just definitely famous and definitely death.
I couldn't figure out how to get the information to this famous person in time. From experience I know
that Absolutely everyone naturally ignores (an then dies) any warnings I give them. While I was on holiday Natasha
Richardson had her accident and tragically died, which needless to say was no shock to me. (By they way, I am
publishing this completely anonymously, I am searching for fame just your opinion/guidance/help).

I have accurately predicted and felt all the associate emotions of literally every major life event down to the
second including engagement, marriage, pregnancy, birth, serious injury and death of everyone around me and of people
I have lost contact with. Even down to something as mundane as someone I once new changing their car and a near
fatal accident at an air show I was once at. Information I am interested in also attracts my attention. Once I went
to get my hair cut and there was a stack of news papers beside me while I waited. One of them had a tiny article in it
about the size of a box of matches. The article which was printed in the middle of a page, in the middle of a Saturday
supplement under a massive pile of papers literally consumed all of my attention and would not leave me alone until
I read it. The printed text, only confirmed something important I had already known without being told for a month.

Last year I had two solid days of 90 second predictions. I would think something and within 90 seconds it would happen, right down to the exact phrasing of conversations,
the whole experience totally freaked me out. I don't know what the trigger is. It could be diet, stress levels,
ambient temperature the phase of the moon, time of year... who knows!

It is also only to do with people, more specifically good people who are decent and giving of themselves and their time.
Anyone who is completely self absorbed to the point where they only think of themselves is invisible to me. Inanimate
objects are also invisible to me, so I won't be suddenly rich from a trip to Vegas. I even attempted to move to
the other side of the planet, hoping physical distance would stop it or at least lessen the effects. It actually increased
the effects. Finally I have Absolutely no control over it, I just know stuff without wanting to know both while I am
awake and asleep.

So ...
Has anyone out experienced anything similar?

If so can you control it or even better do you know how to stop it?

If not, can you offer advice on how to approach a conversation like ...

'Hi there, I know you haven't seen me in a decade but if you don't listen
to me you or someone you love is going to die.'

I believe I know these things for a reason, maybe the reason is to prevent the 'your gonna die' ones.

Naturally, everyone I have ever tried to help/guide/advise assumes I am completely nuts. (Hey I would too)

The most frustrating thing is the paradox ...
If they listen, then nothing happens and I am branded a mental case.
If they don't listen, then they die and there are no witnesses.

Any genuine advise is more than welcome....
Twelve answers:
2009-03-24 16:42:06 UTC
There are a couple of methods that are experimental but have shown positive results. I would need to have more information prior to any suggestion. A couple of things to look at are your sensitivity to light, sleep patterns, sex drive and some other tendencies you may have. I know these sound like unrelated things but with the direction you tend to refer to it may be relevant. For people seeking to control it, learning to block it is the first step but the method used depends on certain factors. One thing that may happen when a person learns to block it is that it remains blocked. Hypnosis is an effective method but I am only aware of one person who works effectively in this area and the method used is very intense and nontraditional. What you refer to is actually more common than one would expect and the occurrences have been increasing over the past few decades. You may look into biofeedback, meditation and even shamanism for starters. In and of them self, they may not be a solution although they do tend to show beneficial effects and support understanding of what the information received and what one is to do with it.

As for wushuboy001 and his ignorant comment along with any others that have the standard randi answer, learn to read. The comments stated that he cannot control it. This is not uncommon. Another point is that he does not want the attention, this is also very common.
2009-03-25 03:06:52 UTC
your not nuts. you were born with this. other people only see this in their sleep sometimes. you should do some research, experiment on your own self, meditate, get witnesses and anything else that could help. there might be some people who suffer worst cases than yours. when people are about to die, don't just tell the person but tell as much people that knows the person. people are bound to believe you. if its a famous person, try to look for a news reporter or anybody whos part of the media. they could believe you and put you on the news but the risk is they might think you murdered the person. i heard a kid predicted the 9/11 incident. you could use this ability because it was given to you.
2009-03-26 03:09:46 UTC
Hi there,

You ask if you can stop your experiences - in short, I would say the answer is No.

You ask if they can be controlled - again in short, Yes.

You ask how you approach a conversation based on what you 'see' - the simple answer is you don't.

It is not your place to tell others what you see to be happening unless they specifically ask for your information. I understand you thinking that you could in some way prevent the deaths if you could just get the people involved to listen, however the Universe does not work like that. Have you not thought that your 'visions' are there to let YOU know that the families of these people may need some support following the loss of their loved one. Perhaps that's what you are meant to be doing. Perhaps your 'visions' are working like an 'appointments' book at the moment, giving you an idea of who will next need your support and giving you the time to prepare for this.

To gain some control over this, learn to ground, centre, balance and protect your own energy. (If you need any help or advice to do this just drop me an email and I will willingly explain it step by step in detail). As it is at the moment, you are way to 'open' to the universal energies. You should be able to at least control it like you would with a telephone. If you want to talk to someone you would pick up the phone and dial out, when you have finished your conversation you put the phone down ending the call. This should be the same with your ability, you should be able to work with it as and when you need to. By learning to ground and centre your energy, you will soon be able to hang up the telephone or pick it up and dial out when you see fit to do so. Okay, so you may get the odd call that still comes through without prior warning, but most of them will stop unless you choose to dial out.

One of the reasons why nothing happens when you tell someone what you have seen, is down to the subtle cjanges that they make in both their physical and spiritual lives. Tiny, tiny changes occur that you do not see but yet are powerful enough to alter the outcome.

I hope this helps in some way, and would be willing to offer further advice should you need it. Good luck on your pathway I wish you a bright and happy future :-)
2009-03-25 04:56:53 UTC
I cannot give you sources and specifics due to the very nature of your question and the skepticism and lack of real shared knowledge in this field. However, I want to warn you about one thing that others may not think to even bring up.

If you choose to block this and to keep it out of your life, you will need to be aware of your emotional and physical health in the future. If you truly have this talent and you choose to block or ignore it, that is understandable. You just need to be aware that it is a part of you as much as your sense of smell or human need for touch. It will affect you just as much to block it as if you lost your sight. If you feel that you need to ignore it for your own emotional well being then you have to do what is right for you.

As far as I know talents like this cannot always be completely, one hundred percent blocked. You will always get some "leakage." The trick is just to ignore it or have an attitude of, "yeah, well that happens some times."

If after reading all of these answer and time thinking, you decide you still want to try and block this, you have some good resources from the answers already given to you. If you decide to go a different direction, then truly training your gift, body, spirit and mind is the way to go. Learn to be a truly healthy person and find some balance in your life. Learn that sometimes you just have to let go and trust in something. You cannot hang on to everything and sometimes the information or feelings you get will be completely and utterly useless in a realistic manner. Learn not to let yourself "worry" at a problem. The universe gives us what we need when we need it and when it is right to have it.

Either way, focus your intent, throw it out there in the universe go with the flow. Give yourself permission to feel however you feel. There is no right or wrong in any of this. You just have to do the best you can do at the time and don't beat yourself up about mistakes. Just try to learn from them.
2009-03-27 14:23:42 UTC
While I completely understand your desire to shut it off, I would venture a guess that if you were in a situation where it was more controllable and perhaps accepted, you would probably embrace it. The only advice I have for shutting it off, and believe me when I say I don't know if it will work, is to actually express your feelings to whomever it is that you believe you are getting your 'messages' from. In that way, perhaps you will be relieved of your 'responsibility' of knowing these things. It's kind of like your birthday, if you tell your aunt that you love the sweater with the poodles on it that she gave you, at some point you are going to have to wear it around her whereas if you tactfully let her know it's not your thing, she may let you regift it.

Hope that helps.
2016-04-07 03:35:13 UTC
It doesn't work that way. If they were to change even more, more projections would attack them. They can't just for instance, fly. They can't just get super human strength, bending the physics couldn't help them, and they can't give themselves powers, weapons, what have you. P.S. the guy above me doesn't really know what he's talking about, in fact I don' even think he saw the movie.
2009-03-24 08:00:12 UTC
Nobody can answer you on account of nobody has been able to positively establish that psychic abilities exist. Until this is done, scientific research can not continue. If you want someone to eventually come up with a way to turn on and off these abilities, you need to prove they exist under controlled conditions.

One way you can do this is to take James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge.

However, you might want to look up "Confirmation Bias" because I think its what you are really dealing with.

Listen to your paradox in the last paragraph, which describes it all. You tell people they or someone they know is going to die. Naturally they dont know who or how, so there is really nothing they could do, even if they believe you. If it happens you call it a hit. If it doesn't you just shrug it off. In other words, your just making random guess and counting the hits as evidence, but not counting the misses.

I am sure if you count the predictions that come true, and the predictions that don't, you will find a statistical comparison with in the range of someone just making random guesses.
2009-03-26 02:04:15 UTC
With respect, you need to learn about critical thinking. Join your local skeptics group and this problem will be a thing of the past.
2009-03-24 15:07:26 UTC
When the damn breaks do you plug the leak with a finger?
2009-03-24 06:29:11 UTC
there's nothing for you to stop or control; these are life events that you observe, not instigate. it's not like you're a firestarter or have just have a catbird seat and advance notice..use it for your own benefit and stay outta trouble.
2009-03-24 07:10:27 UTC
Well let's first see if you have any psychic ablities at all before we start planning on how to stop them...

Next time you have a prediction post it here as a question eg "Who thinks my prediction will come true? I predict Paris Hilton will need brain surgery after falling off a bus this week?"
◄♥ Witchy Mel ♥►
2009-03-24 09:53:08 UTC
The paradox that you speak of comes with the package. The only time that friends know I'm really picking up on something is when they don't listen to me and what I said was going to happen, happens. And even then, they normally still don't listen to me the next time. But you know what? People have to live their own lives, they have to make their own mistakes.

One thing that is hard to grasp but is totally true is that everything is in Divine working order at all times. I know that it doesn't seem that way to us, especially when we look at tragic deaths but that's because we aren't looking at it on a Universal level. On a Universal level, our souls are eternal and it is the true essence of who we are. Death is only a change and those who suffer from it the most are those who are left behind.

No one can prevent death unless it is part of the Divine plan. It is uncertain why we pick up on death when we can't do anything to change it. It is my theory that because death is so extreme, it is easier to pick up on. Think about it...not just the dying part but the wave of emotion that emanates from that persons death, the amount of people who mourn creates a wave of energy that is easier to pick up on.

It sounds to me like your third eye and crown chakra are way too open and without having some sort of spiritual foundation and connection with higher beings to assist you, you are just picking up random information that benefits no one and is harming yourself.

Also, you might want to contemplate the fact that there is a bigger picture here. Most times when someone has one psychic capability, they also have others. Maybe you are supposed to help but maybe it doesn't have to do with approaching people directly.

There have been times that I have felt something bad was going to happen to a friend and I immediately call on the Angels, light a candle for them or see them surrounded in white light. Sometimes I get confirmation that they avoided some sort of event but I don't speak of it to them. Maybe you are not yet tapping into the true meaning of all this..

When you say you aren't in it for the fame, I hope you mean that. A lot of times what you do will go totally unnoticed. You can find comfort in the fact that you are playing your part in the bigger scheme of things though.

To streamline and decrease the intensity of your abilities, try grounding and shielding.

I would suggest that you find your spiritual niche. In my opinion, all belief systems have their place and one just needs to align themselves to what works for them and rings true to their heart. You may find that you are spiritual but not religious and that is fine too.

The Angels are free agents, they don't belong to any one particular religion. You will hear people say that they are a Christian being but the truth is that winged ones have been around in many different religions since ancient times.

If you choose to work with the Angels, you will notice a very pleasant change in the way you are viewing your situation. You will gain peace of mind.

My psychic advice to you is to get this oracle deck:

or this one:

This is not necessarily for telling the future...there are better decks for that but these two decks are very helpful for spiritual development and helping you step by step on your path.

You might also benefit from this book:

Lastly, if you just shut yourself down and decide to turn your back on this, you will always feel a little bit empty inside. This is a part of you and it would be healthier and more fulfilling for you to learn to accept it and embrace it. Stop looking at it as a curse and it will stop being one. I speak from personal experience. If you find you are more drawn to Paganism, email me and I will send you some book references.

Good luck to you on your path.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.