What do you think happens after we die?
2008-08-13 23:27:02 UTC
I've been doing a lot of deep thinking and soul searching lately and I've found that lately I have a great fear of the afterlife. I know that is stupid because I will die one day but it's hard for me to believe that there's a possibility that once you die it's over...but it's also hard for me to believe that our consciousness survives death. There is no proof for either side so I feel very lost right now.

What do you guys think happens after we die?
28 answers:
2008-08-14 03:38:00 UTC
I had a near death experience several years ago that left me with an abiding sense that there is more to come. I'm rational, intelligent and well-educated. I know the obvious explanation is some endorphin release upon brain death. Some pre-death hallucination.

Despite this, I'm still persuaded that it was more than that. I didn't see dead relatives or green fields. I had a sense of complexity and wonder of something profound. I'm left with no fear of death, but I'm prepared to quibble over the timing and cause lol
2008-08-14 19:34:06 UTC
well, i would like to think that something that i would like would happen. when you said there was no proof, you hit the target. there is no proof, there wont be proof, and there will never be proof.

i think, that as you go through you life, you gather what your perfect and most imperfect worlds would be like. if you see an amazing landscape, i think that would be in your paradise, but your worst nightmares would exist in your hell. i dont think you are judged by any one person, but i think you are judged, based on how you would judge yourself, and what you did in your life before. so, the only harsh punishment you would recieve would be no worse than what you would give yourself. so, if you, unbaised, felt that you had been a good person, you would go to a 'heaven' of your making, if not, well, there is the alternative...

i dont think your consciousness can go away. do you know that little thing inside your head that is you? that thinking part of you that tells or shows you what you need to do? the thing inside your head that makes sense of the world around you? do you honestly FEEL like that could just dissapear? do you feel like it could go away and not exist anymore? i cannot make myself think that it could simply 'go away'

i have done the same thing you have. sit there, and wonder about the universe, all that is in it, their purpose, their destinies, and the 'after' that everyone neglects to mention. the only difference is, that i dont look for 'proof', i look for a meaning to it, or i look for a feel wheather i just 'feel' that it is true or not. if i may, a piece of advice to you, is to just let the world take you where you feel you need to be. go with what you feel. and, i would not worry too much about an afterlife, because, the only way you will know is to be there. dont rush what is not meant to happen right then.

good luck, and have a great day!!!

I'm just me
2008-08-13 23:50:55 UTC
I'm no longer afraid of death. I've been blessed to have glimpsed the other side. In the sense that I speak to the dead. I've glimpsed the tunnel home and the light at the end. And for myself at least, I know for a fact that it does go on. I'm honestly not sure how it works either, some of the beings I've had contact with quite simply amaze me. Simply because they exist. It defies logic and yet I can touch it and feel it. I do know that consciousness goes beyond the physical body, because quite a majority of the spirits I speak with on a daily basis don't have a physical body the way we know it. They have thoughts and memories and emotions. They love, they hurt. They come back to check on grandchildren. Or to tell someone that they love them. I also get the sense that time is a physical thing. I'm not sure if it just passes more slowly on the other side or not, but I get this sense that the dead don't experience time the way we do. I don't think they're conscious of it in the way we are. I've heard right before you die, there's a stage where you're litterally walking in both worlds. You see both sides.

I don't know if that helps or not, but death is nothing to fear. You won't blip out of existence, as if you were never here, and people will remember, long after you're gone. And you will come back again.

peace and love to you
2008-08-15 03:34:14 UTC
americans are so blind don't you realise how privileged you are to want to carry on living? millions around the world would welcome death to end the misery of hunger, disease, poverty, or repression. when you die your body enriches the earth to feed the plants which feed the animals. consciousness is human recognition of a human state of mind, arrived at by a particular pattern of electrical impulses created by biological cells in the human brain. when the biology ceases to exist the impulses die. it's a typically arrogant human trait to want continuance so much that we create some infeasible way that it might happen. the fact that it can't be proved is a plus, and is probably the reason we have held onto the notion for so long
2008-08-14 00:04:00 UTC
I believe that our body dies and our soul lives on; since we're all made up of energy. Depending on our actions here on Earth, I think the soul ends up in three places:

1. Joins a higher power (for the good souls).

2. Stays in between due to unfinished business or suicide

3. A dark place (for the evils souls).

Of course I could be wrong, but this is what I think of when in deep thought about death.
2008-08-13 23:36:06 UTC
I have been thinking about this lately too. it's all a big mystery. life is so complicated, and with any case, including this, the only way to know for sur, is to experience it. everyone has there own opinions based on religion, myths, etc. if you're curious, there's a really good book that talks about that kind of stuff. it's called The Pillars of The Earth. and i'm sorry, but i don't know who it's by. i hope i helped a little. : )
2008-08-14 16:08:16 UTC

Decomposition of the body is a given. Think about what is going on in your life right now and live this life as fully as possible. Be good to yourself and others. Resolve conflicts and involve yourself in things which brings happiness to you and others. I believe the suffering people endure right before death is paradox to the things we endure during birth. What happens in between those two major events is the most important.
SaRaH !
2008-08-14 16:41:32 UTC
Nothing to worry. Just do good deeds and you'll be blessed in the hereafter. And you said that there is no proof........I object to this point....i do have proof.....You can find the proof in Quran, the holy book of you might think that i am muslim so i'll support my religion...but if you don't agree to my point than see Quran and you can find alot of proofs related to the life hereafter.....It was written in it more than a million years ago..And many of those have been proved by science!!! Can't beleive it...THINK, SEARCH and EXPLORE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan H
2008-08-13 23:39:13 UTC
Fear of death is normal. But, I believe that every one on earth is of one conscious. And your goal in life should be to awaken that consciousness in your self. So in essence you could be reborn with no knowledge of your past life. that might depend on how enlightened or aware of said consciousness you were in the past life. I also believe that 99% of all religions on earth originated from the same place, and have just been manipulated by man as the years have past. I could sit here and type about this forever so ill just put up a link to one of my favorite websites.
2008-08-14 11:12:55 UTC
There is a life after death. Multiple NDE have shown me that there is a life after death. Recent conversations with my deceased cousin in which she told me to tell her mother that it isn't like she thinks it is.

Don't say there isn't proof, it is all around you. Don't the flowers come back in the spring? Aren't there numerous religions telling you of an eventual Nirvana?

Close your mouth and open your ears and mind to the thousands of very learned and very spiritual people that have existed down through history until the current day.

Even the most unsophisticated aborigines down through history who didn't even care to create a written language knew there was an afterlife, so cool your heals and learn the lessons of this life before moving on.
2008-08-14 09:05:40 UTC
People say that souls of the person you like the most(who are dead) will be with you forever. They say that just to make us feel better and to come out of the sorrow of losing them.Even my uncle died before 2 years .But i don't find any soul in my house.
2008-08-14 23:43:15 UTC
We know what happens after you die. Your body starts to decompose. You may not like that but it is the only thing that is certain. There is no real evidence for anything else.
2008-08-14 21:16:25 UTC
To be honest, I ignore that. I hope there is "something else" after this life. I'm agnostic, and quite skeptical about the paranormal. But I'm open-minded, and like everyone else, I hope someday I can get answers to many questions...

2008-08-13 23:31:03 UTC
I think After death is the same as pre-birth. You won't exist anymore. It will be if you were never born in the first place. So basicaly what your afraid of is nothing... Fearing death is worse than death itself.
Just here to help
2008-08-14 18:09:06 UTC
i believe we go to heaven. Read the story of Mary of Guadalupe. Jesus's mother Mary has made many appearences on earth. I have faith.
2008-08-16 11:44:25 UTC
Yoour body will decompose.No one knows about the soul, or even if a soul exists.
2008-08-13 23:37:54 UTC
I hope I will reborn as a happy and great man/woman who could help for other persons :-)
2008-08-13 23:30:29 UTC
Think about the last person you knew who died. What happened after they died? Most likely, there was a funeral and a mourning period, then people went on with their lives.

That's typically what happens after we die.

Speculation about an afterlife is not worth the effort. It's an unanswerable question, which kills any interest I might have in answering it.
2008-08-14 05:52:55 UTC
Read these experiences of people who had Near Death Experiences where they died and came back

they are very interesting.
William H
2008-08-13 23:38:16 UTC
We will go before our Savior who has paid our debt in full or we will go before our Creator and we will be judged by our actions. So what happens to you after you die really depends on what you have accepted in your heart. I pray you have accepted Jesus Christ your Savior who has paid your debt in full!
2008-08-13 23:32:09 UTC
well i am a christian, and i am 100% posative that if you are a christian you will go to heaven. Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross. he died so that we dont have pay for our sins. he created us and he loves us. he wants to have a relationship with you. ummmm, John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whoever believes in him will NOT PERISH but have eternal life.

if you have more questions email me,
2008-08-16 18:25:58 UTC
I havent a clue but I've been thinking about it for a while...
2008-08-13 23:31:19 UTC
our body dehydrates and our skin dissolves. lol im not sure bout the whole spiritual side because i never really thought or got deep into that =]
John X
2008-08-13 23:31:36 UTC
some people believe we go to heaven or hell and some people believe we reborn as someone else
2008-08-14 09:48:54 UTC
2008-08-14 07:18:15 UTC
You die and that's it. Enjoy your decopmosition.
ali b
2008-08-14 08:59:23 UTC
we fall in love.
Monstera Deliciosa
2008-08-13 23:38:10 UTC
You rot away to nothing.

No need to worry about it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.