Your brainwav activity is not a function of what you see on TV or how much you watch. Rather, as most humans grow older their brainwaves change from large amplitude theta brainwaves 4-7 Hz into the faster, low amplitude, beta brainwaves that are 14-20 Hz. They slow down during sleep and while under the influence of such drugs as alcohol, coffee, and of course illegal drugs like ectasy, cocaine, etc. But those are only temporary changes and will go back to being beta waves unless one does something stupid like getting drunk and drive your car into a pole and you end up in a coma as so many teenagers tend to do. Or die.
Psis-- that is, psychic people-- tend to have slower brainwave activity with some 85% of the psychic gifts are theta-based. That is, such gifts as telepathy (4 Hz), telekinesis (7 hz), etc-- frequeencies that nornal humans cant access and still be awake and conscious. This is why people who want to telepathic or telekinetic dont have a snownall's chance in hell of becoming a teek or a telepath.
People who have ADD or ADHD as well as sleep paralysis tend to have abnormal theta activity but your normal brainwave activity is set by genetics and watching less TV may make you a bit smarter if you start reading more, but it wont change the amplitude of your brainwaves nor will it make you a psi. However, if you have about $1200 to spend, you could get a biofeedback machine and with constant practice you might be able to boost a beta frequency but aking your brain stronger at say 13 Hz won't do much for you but there's the slight chance that you might be able to mimic the great Russian psychic and "pusher" (and I don't mean a drug pusher)-- like Wolf Messing who has great mind control abilities; he most likely had a brainwave frequency of 20 Hz, another unusual frequency few humans can normally reach. But with biofeedback practice, who knows? ;-)