There are probably a number of factors at play in these instances. I'd like to lean towards the logical explanation but a few things have happened that tell me the knowledge could be tapped from intuition or ESP.
Many years ago, on a beautiful summer day, I suddenly knew one of the 80 foot tall trees next to the house was going down that night. Upon checking the forecast and seeing no storms approaching, no winds, nothing to knock a tree to the ground I still knew it was going to fall. It was not rotten and appeared healthy. That night I had the kids sleep on the opposite side of the house, I moved the cars out of reach, and went to sleep. When we woke up, there lie the tree, splayed out across the entire yard, driveway, etc.
One day I was at work at the hospital. We had a patient sedated doing a bronchoscopy. Suddenly I knew one of the shrubs at home was in danger. It was a strong enough, persistent enough knowing that I went home to see. Sure enough, the neighbor's dog had broken his chain, ran around this shrub several times and was tearing it away with the chain as he struggled to free himself.
These instances have nothing to do with weather or finding directions but they have shown me that there is some form of communication that we know very little about. These types of things have happened more and more over the years but I still have no idea where the messages originate or how they get into my head.