Shadow people: I have a few questions about them?
2007-06-25 11:05:04 UTC
1.Any one have any information or good websites about shadow people .
2.Have you ever see them or had any experiences.
3. Could they be dangerous?

If you do not know what shadow people are check out this link.
21 answers:
2007-06-25 11:51:11 UTC
I believe it's just a trick of vision that has led people to believe in "shadow people". Our peripheral vision is not very good and sometimes we think we see things out of the corner of our eyes. We turn to look, and it is gone. What was it? Just an optical artifact, nothing more. Some people see areas of shadow straight on and can't immediately find an explanation for it and believe they are "shadow people". But optics can be very deceiving and it is not always easy to see how shadows can form. And some people see shadows in places where you'd expect to find shadows and still think they are "shadow people" -- some people just want to believe, that's all. Complicating matters further is our optical cortex which can be fooled quite easily... think of all the optical illusions out there and why they work on us so well.

Shadow people, like ghosts, remain only conjecture since no credible evidence yet exists for either.
2007-06-29 21:13:12 UTC
I've had an experience. I live with my father, whose house is about 90 years old. I was tryting to get to sleep, there was no glint of light anywhere, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw a shadow person wearing a top hat sort of thing. I quickly ran out of the room and downstairs. I turned on all the lights and watched TV, since I didn't really feel the need to wake anyone. At the time I thought maybe I was just seeing things, but in the morning, my step mother was recounting the same experience with a "shadow that moved around the room." It terrified us greatly.

So I belive that shadow people are real, no matter what anyone says. The supernatural interests me a lot. . .
2007-07-02 09:39:53 UTC
Whoohoo! A question about Shadow people! *ahem* - sorry. I just love questions that are about them (I am really interested in the Shadow Ghosts/Shadow beings/Shadow people - they are so interesting)!

1) Ok, here's a GREAT website. It's called - and it has a lot of information, about Shadow Ghosts (and many other different kinds of ghosts too). Most of it is probably NOT very exciting to you, but ah wait - before you dismiss this website, I might as well add a few things...

i) This website has photos of Shadow Ghosts

ii) This website has a collection of people's experiences and sketches of what they've seen.

iii) Shadow Ghosts can be put into three categories (based on their forms).

Here is the website: - you can just click on it, and explore the whole website that way.

BUT if you're interested in JUST the Shadow's, then... here's the link you can click on...: (this link is quite good).

2) Sometimes I've had times I've THOUGHT I've seen one dart about the room from the corner of my eye, but I've never actually been sure. Most of the time I've shrugged it off.

3) Not that I know of. I see them as 'just shadows' - well, sort of - meaning, I see them as generally harmless. Also, the links on, concerning the accounts of other people - most of them claim to be fairly harmless... no accounts on there talk about a harmful shadow being (unless I've overlooked any submitted stories). There ARE some scary looking shadow ghosts though (monstrous forms).
2007-06-26 03:00:10 UTC
i had not ever had an experience with shadow people,but there is some people that has lived this experiences,and I'm

in no position to say this is real or not,here are some links

for you,The term shadow ghost refers to a dark entity that appears as a indistinct shadow, sometimes they will be human in shape and size. They are usually seen as a fleeting shape out of the corner of your eye. Some have been seen during the day but more often at night. Many believe that they are evil or demonic because of their phantom like appearance although this really does not seem to be the case. Most cases of shadow ghost are reported in homes, in corners or disappearing through walls, sometimes passing by a lighted window
2007-07-02 04:48:51 UTC
Woot! Joka had some really good information going on.

"Shadow People" is more likely a classification for something that people can see but can't explain easily.

As humans evolve and come to see and experience more paranormal activity many things will be clumped together in accurately.

The term could be in relation to "lower energy" who will tend to be negative....or it could be the manifestation from another dimention; positive OR negative...or it could just be residual energy.

Demon? Not likely. Djinn? Perhaps. The Djinn were never human.
2007-06-27 16:38:36 UTC
There is a good podcast that frequently discusses the subject. You can also check out the web site and forum for additional information. Go to and click on the Mysterious Universe (MU) logo. You can subscribe to the free podcast on iTunes, or for extra content, premium subscriptions are $5 a month. There have been many people who have experienced this phenomenon, and you can find quite a bit of input on your questions.
2007-06-25 18:40:19 UTC
I used to have experiences, when I was younger. Always in the woods, in my peripheral vision. Of course, we made up plenty of make-believe stories about it. Do I think they're real? No.

I think you should read the wikipedia article more carefully - look at the scientific explanations section, especially pareidolia. The thing is, our eyes are very untrustworthy, and even if our eyes are accurate, the way our brains work is often untrustworthy. People see things that aren't there for so many reasons, and it's normal.

When do you see them the most? Where? If you're just sitting in the middle of a bright room and a shadow person manifests itself directly in front of you, now that's something. But they're called shadow people for a reason - they are probably just shadows that our minds interpret as human forms, just like how we see shapes in the clouds. So no, "they" aren't dangerous. It could be interesting for you to experiment with this - record when and how you see them, and find patterns. You could figure out how human perception works, and is flawed.

EDIT: Oh, and be careful with your research. Most sites you'll find on this will probably be the believer sites, and they'll have all kinds of crazy stuff on them. Don't let yourself ever become frightened of this, because that'll just get your mind worked up and make it worse for no reason.
2007-06-25 20:10:50 UTC
Yes, I dont know how much you will learn online, but check out

I have seen them, and know people who have.

They were not in the periferal vision as some people insist. They were seen straight on, without use of drugs, and in broad daylight.

If anyone wants to argue that they are illusions or dreams, they need to take these into account.

Here is what I know about them. They were never human, and they are all over the place.

When they are seen, it is on accident, they do not come out of hiding in the shadows. Accounts of them physically attacking people is usually due to the person blocking thier escape, or surprising them.

They are some kind of demon. They were never human. They are possibly parasites. They sometimes are seen in dark corners watching people, but when approached, they run.

Yes, they could be dangerous, but most likely they will not physically harm you. They are not constrained by location, they can be driven out, or attracted into locations.

They are part of an invisible war which has been going on for a long time, and they are not the good guys.

You can email me if you want me to share more of my experiences.
Mista R
2007-07-02 04:15:54 UTC
Shadow people is best represented in the movie Ghost. They are the entities that are all over Earth and their primary purpose is to carry off the wicked to hell. If you see them, then you are probably evil or around someone that is.

Seeing them is a major sign of someones death is soon to come.
2007-06-25 23:09:58 UTC
I hadn't remembered seeing one other than a few weeks ago. I was sleeping and awoke to see a dark shadow cross my room at the end of my bed towards the bathroom. I guess he had to go? It looked like it had a short neck, long hair or a helmet. I guess you could say it was simple, even a cave man can do it.
2007-06-25 22:11:50 UTC
Shadow People are not real. This greatly reduces their potential to be dangerous. Figments of the imagination are only dangerous when people attempt to give them life through their own fear or misinformation.

I have been to places that many people would consider scary, haunted or cursed. I have never once felt anything other than my own anxiety. Fear of spirits is a very old tradition of human beings, and its time is long past.
2007-06-27 03:24:13 UTC
You just scared the crap out of me---I have never seen anyone but my dying uncle and grandmother have.....I DO have an "inner voice" that I cannot say not to--when I do I suffer dire consequences--I have even tried to reason with it--pretending it said something I did want to hear when it said the opposite--and of course, the results were devastating.

It just makes you really realize that we are not all powerful and the only ones in this sick world--there are powers much more powerful than us controlling us---sometimes I feel like I'm a rag doll on strings being moved around to everybody's needs but mine----do you feel that way?
andrew NSE
2007-07-01 22:58:35 UTC
these beings are lower vibrational insectoids feeding off the auras and energies of 3d life.

you can actually take pictures of them ... at night with a digital camera and flash. [1 in 20 pix]

the insectoid hive features throughout human history ... in the new testament they are called legion ... demonic multiple personalities ... today you can meet their physical infested counterparts on the street who can be almost anybody in the phone book at a moments notice [imo]

you can see them trasnlocate and move between bodies and spaceships and into rooms in houses ...

insectoid hive collective is in my book equal to biblical demonic legion.

they are dangerous if they define equivalence with you ... but prayer to Christ and the Angels in my opinion is the only answer to this kind of life force leeching and stripping ...

prayer takes your mind out of the process you have engaged with and your heart takes over in prayer like a rudder steering you higher and truer and beyond their frequencies because it moves you closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. [john 15]

you can script their behaviour in computer language - its that tedious - do not try ... just get your mind out of this
2007-07-01 04:10:58 UTC
1. check out the ghost hunters a.k.a TAPS offical website:

2. Yes i have when i was younger.....i made my parents check the whole house to see if there was an inturder.

3. No they cannot harm you in any way.
2007-06-26 01:45:13 UTC
I've had nightmares with shadow like creatures. They are human like and black as space, and they paralyze you, so you can't run or yell for help. Just seeing them paralyzes you. I don't think they are dangerous to us in this world.
2007-06-25 19:59:10 UTC
My experience is that "shadow people" aren't people at all. They are emanations of the demonic. More easy to perceive.

This is a more comprehensive site. But I have yet to find anything that properly describes them.
2007-06-25 18:11:55 UTC
My wife saw shadow people crawling on the posts in the basement when she was a girl. She was supposed to sleep down there. They were evil. Her parents denied her claims, but these entites were real.
Joka B
2007-06-30 17:37:49 UTC

"What was that?" You were sitting comfortably on your sofa reading the latest issue of Fortean Times in the dim light when movement across the room caught your attention. It seemed dark and shadowy, but there was nothing there. You returned to your reading - and a moment later there it was again. You looked up quickly this time and saw the fleeting but distinctly human shape of the shadow pass quickly over the far wall... and disappear.

What was that? Some natural shadow? Your heightened imagination? A ghost? Or was it something that seems to be a spreading phenomenon - apparitions that are coming to be known as "shadow people" or "shadow beings." Perhaps this is an old phenomenon with a new name that is now being discussed more openly, in part thanks to the Internet. Or maybe it's a phenomenon that, for some reason, is manifesting with greater frequency and intensity now.

Those who are experiencing and studying the shadow people phenomenon say that these entities almost always used to be seen out of the corner of the eye and very briefly. But more and more, people are beginning to see them straight on and for longer periods of time. Some experiencers testify that they have even seen eyes, usually red, on these shadow beings.

The mysterious sightings have become a hot topic of conversion in paranormal chat rooms, message boards and websites, and it was given widespread attention on The Art Bell talk radio show. Art's listeners even submitted their drawings of how they perceived these beings, and they can be seen in a haunting gallery on Art's site.

What are shadow people and where do they come from? Several theories have been offered.

The Imagination

The explanation we get from skeptics and mainstream science - and who are usually people who have never experienced the shadow people phenomenon - is that it is nothing more than the active human imagination. It's our minds playing tricks on us... our eyes seeing things in a fraction of a second that aren't really there - illusions... real shadows caused by passing auto headlights, or some similar explanation. And without a doubt, these explanations probably can account for some if not many experiences. The human eye and mind are easily fooled. But can they account for all cases?


To call these entities ghosts demands first a definition of what we mean by ghosts. (See the article: "Ghosts: What Are They?") But by almost any definition, shadow people are somewhat different than ghost phenomena. Whereas ghost apparitions are almost always a misty white, vaporish or have a decidedly human form and appearance (very often with discernable "clothing"), shadow beings are much darker and more shadow-like. In general, although the shadow people often do have a human outline or shape, because they are dark, the details of their appearance is lacking. This is in contrast to many ghost sightings in which the witness can describe the ghost's facial features, style of clothing and other details. The one detail most often noted in some shadow being sightings are their glowing red eyes.

Demons or Other Spirit Entities

The dark countenance and malevolent feelings that are often reported in association with these creatures has led some researchers to speculate that they may be demonic in nature. If they are demons, we have to wonder what their purpose or intent is in letting themselves be seen in this manner. Is it merely to frighten?

this is from site

see this, too

Shadow People

We video taped what has become known as the "Shadow People' at Shaniko, Oregon and have over two minutes thirty seconds of over a dozen ghost children being represented as shadows dancing across the wall of the old abandoned school building basement. This video segment is found in the Members Only section of the Ghost Galleries.

The "Shadow People" are not evil or demonic, but simply represent a different configuration pattern than the previously documented orbs, vortices and ectoplasmic swirls and vapor that are the shapes of the spirits of the dead. The spirits of the dead may manifest in many configuration patters according to what they choose. It does take more energy to be displayed as a full body apparition than being a ball of light or an vapor of energy.

No one understands the science behind the "Shadow People". Consider a shadow passing across the wall in front of you. You see a human shaped shoulders and head, perhaps arms moving across the wall. If you are a fundamentalist, you call this dark form a demon. However, if you have an open mind, you would say, "WOW" and attempt to understand what was happening.

We must understand that in our Western culture, the bad guys wear black hats and the good guys wear white hats. Therefore, anything black is considered evil and demonic and anything white is considered okay. However, in science, we consider that perhaps the anomaly represents a spirit whose body is composed of spirit matter that is not visible to the human eyes.

Light will not pass through this spirit matter because it is still too dense. The light is blocked by the spirit matter and is casting a shadow onto the wall. The shadow is not alive, but the spirit whose shadow is being cast. This concept has been proved time and gain by photographic images showing shadows being cast by orbs and vortices.

We cannot see x-rays, gamma rays and all of those particles beyond our human visual spectrum, yet they exist. Sometimes we feel that we must see something in order to believe it exist. While this is true in many areas, it is not true when dealing with the electromagnetic spectrum, including those frequencies that exist beyond our human vision range.

We cannot see or hear in the spectrum that dogs are capable of doing. I do not recall people claiming to be able to hear dog whistles, for example, yet dogs can hear it. We accept this as normal and do claim dogs are demonic.

Some have proclaimed the Shadow People to be evil or demonic, this reeks of fundamentalism at its worst. The term "Shadow People" is relatively new and is being used to promote fear and doom. We fear what we do not understand and therefore we try to destroy what we fear.

This age old philosophy was employed against the Native Americans as European settlers arrived to condemn the Indians because they were not Christians and force them from their lands as the settlers advanced West. This was the philosophy of the Mother Church as she promoted Crusades to expand her power base and financial interest in Europe.

The International Ghost Hunters Society does not endorse this deviant behavior. We have been teaching that "Shadow People" are just another configuration pattern that the spirits of the dead may display, according to their choice. We have documented this pattern with photos and with video recordings. Those seeking demons must look in new areas as the "Shadow People" do not qualify

this is from

I don't believe in those things. It is probably just imagination of people who r claustrophobic, or just scared of dark and have wild imagination. This is the first time I have heard about these "Shadow people". I have never seen them, and don't know anyone who has. I hope I helped _
2007-06-30 11:50:08 UTC
never seen 1 but try google i did and got lots of stuff
2007-06-25 18:14:45 UTC
Spirits walk the earth I have no doubt. God sent the Holy Spirit.
2007-06-25 18:12:48 UTC
have you ever seen one? have you ever been attacked?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.