If there is no afterlife then how are there mediums?
2017-03-14 23:30:53 UTC
If there is no afterlife then how are there mediums?
76 answers:
Admiral Smith
2017-03-17 22:17:45 UTC
Imagination over hell and heaven you hippyboys... they imagine so much that it was some type of logical draw on their environment that people believe they are thinking beyond a normal way of life.
2017-03-16 18:21:52 UTC
Brain tumor nuff said
The First Dragon
2017-03-15 20:54:22 UTC
Mediums are fake. They use fraudulent tricks to give the impression they contact the dead. But they don't.

This does not prove there is no afterlife though.
2017-03-15 18:26:49 UTC
Scam !
Jonny B
2017-03-15 16:45:42 UTC
There is only one reason... Its called money.. where there's an opportunity, ill show you a scammer.
Vinegar Taster
2017-03-15 15:06:33 UTC
Frauds like Silvia Brown who take advantage of ignorant people ?

If they existed they would be working for the government .
2017-03-15 13:39:28 UTC
Uh huh... really?
2017-03-14 23:58:46 UTC
There aren't, silly. You mean you actually BELIEVE those morons?
2017-03-14 23:38:20 UTC
They're scammers kid
2017-03-14 23:36:14 UTC
There are not mediums... An experiment undertaken by the British Psychological Society led to the conclusion that the test subjects demonstrated no mediumistic ability.

Cold reading also explains by isolating medium from their clients, psychics are unable to pick up information from the way those clients dress or behave. By presenting all of the volunteers involved in the test with all of the readings, they are prevented from attributing meaning to their own reading, and therefore can't identify it from readings made for others. As a result, the type of highly successful hit rate that psychics enjoy on a daily basis comes crashing down and the truth emerges – their success depends on a fascinating application of psychology and not the existence of paranormal abilities
Mr. P
2017-03-18 22:05:07 UTC
If there is no afterlife then how are there Priests, Vicars, Rabbi's and Imams?

The answer to this is belief of those who ask them.
2017-03-17 19:12:08 UTC
bc there are bigs and smalls
2017-03-17 10:01:25 UTC
The mediums are for people that can't wear large or small.
2017-03-17 02:42:19 UTC
Wow! You're right! After-life proven!

That was sarcasm,how can someone be so stupid?
2017-03-16 21:37:38 UTC
Because tricking people into believing this has several perceived and/or real benefits to those doing it. You can look up "cold readings" to see HOW they convince people, and human nature makes the dead an easy target for this. All you need to do is view these mediums with a cynical mind and it becomes obvious that they have no special power at all. Remember that 1: they don't have any ability 2: the people they speak to WANT them to have a special power 3: almost all of them KNOW they have no special power, thus occasionally plant people to fake their correctness (though most avoid this as it can easily get them 'proven' to have no power).
2017-03-16 16:43:03 UTC
those people are fakes, always were and always will be
2017-03-16 08:22:45 UTC
2017-03-16 08:21:23 UTC
Never heard of a medium coming up with winning lottery numbers... When I do I will believe in them .
Mir Quasem
2017-03-16 04:35:38 UTC
Balloons full of gas.
Master Chief
2017-03-15 19:28:28 UTC
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line and run as long possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound. Your test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start
2017-03-15 18:56:30 UTC
Many mediums are charlatans, they are fake. However, some are real and they communicate with familiar spirits who provide them with information in order to deceive the listener. Familiar spirits are demons masquerading as the dead passed on. Yes there is an afterlife.
2017-03-15 17:46:39 UTC
2017-03-15 17:03:48 UTC
I suppose I would hide behind that blue thing as well if I was so poor at thinking. What about the possibility there is no afterlife and mediums are fraudsters.
2017-03-15 14:53:32 UTC
Fraud and delusions.
2017-03-15 11:08:14 UTC
Not ALL are scammers---Many are self deluded, and really believe the voices in their minds. As do their clients. But, then again who sez there is no afterlife? ---Mediums or no mediums.?
2017-03-15 09:38:06 UTC
Mediums Fortune tellers are all Fake

I was told By a Gypsy that My Grandfather told her i would Come into a Lot of Money that would Convert My life

i am Over 80 where is My Money
2017-03-15 06:52:22 UTC
they are all fake
2017-03-15 00:26:13 UTC
They are all fake.
2017-03-14 23:39:20 UTC
Mediums are demonic and they are lying about the condition of the dead.
2017-03-14 23:31:56 UTC
you mean scam artists?
Kyojin The Giant
2017-04-01 15:39:43 UTC
There are no genuine mediums. People who claim to be mediums are frauds. There is no afterlife, so thee are no spirits to contact.
2017-03-20 11:18:57 UTC
Money and gullible people.
2017-03-17 00:07:21 UTC
It is healthy to assume that mediums are somehow "scamming you" or using their heightened observational skills, logical brain, and right-side creative intuitive brain to tell you what you would need to hear to continue coming back to see them, however, the truth is that most of us if not all of us do not actually have a way to know whether we live in a nested reality. The last part is to say, that we do not know that all, most, or part of our brain/mind/consciousness is experiencing or processing data from the world through which other senses (perhaps through a compatible body) would experience the "real world." If we did live in a matrix, we would not necessarily know it, and if it was engineered so that we did not know it, that could be for multiple reasons. We could exist as food but have to live in a program that tempts us to cheat and prove that we are worthy to be food (probably lowest on the list). We could be in an artificial selective womb built by a society/civilization that only selects well behaved, intelligent fetuses/people who actually live for hundreds of years. We could be an experiment created by Nazis who took over our planet and we live in an engineered reality and maybe we help them problem solve. I am not sure that there is actually a way to know. The hypotheses that I list here are consistent with what you mention about mediums and about people who hear voices and believe them to originate from somewhere else.
2017-03-16 18:47:00 UTC
'Spirit mediums" as they call themselves are something to be extremely careful with. They can be very dangerous because they mask that they are trying to help people when really they are trying to hurt people. God does not lie, and everything he says comes true. He tells us that the dead are "conscious of nothing at all" - (Ecclesiastes 9:5) That scripture in itself makes it clear that the dead can not influence the living, nor can they talk, listen, or follow us in any way. God lovingly gave us his most precious gift of the Bible which can answer any question we have. God states clearly in his word the Bible how he feels about those who claim to communicate with the dead, as well as those who try to communicate with the dead. He tells us at Deuteronomy 18:12-13 “There should not be found in you anyone . . . who consults a spirit medium or . . . inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah.” He also tells us that anyone who practices such things would miss out on his wonderful gift of living forever in his kingdom. What a terrible mistake it would be to miss out on such a gift just because of one of Satan's many lies. No one can talk to the dead. Therefore those who claim they can are lying. Also the Bible warns that the demons are behind such practices trying to erode false hope in anyone that they can by lying to them and telling them that they can communicate with their loved ones. So we can see how loving it is that God warns us about such lies and who is behind them. Instead of getting caught up in spiritistic lies that Satan and his demons are behind we can put our full hope and faith in God's promises. The Bible promises that a resurrection will happen where will be reunited with our loved ones we have lost in death who are currently "sleeping" -Acts 24:15...For now we can be assured that our loved ones are not suffering in any way. For more information please feel free to log onto

Tom S
2017-03-16 15:48:21 UTC
If you have large and small, you gotta have mediums too.
2017-03-16 15:42:00 UTC
Take them up from medium to very hot and see how many remain, would be my advice.
2017-03-16 10:19:55 UTC
In these days of "fake news" the answer should be obvious.
2017-03-16 09:23:21 UTC
who says theres no afterlife
2017-03-16 03:43:08 UTC
2017-03-15 22:52:29 UTC
Because there is a sucker born every minute.
2017-03-15 22:37:17 UTC
Familiar spirits
2017-03-15 15:58:36 UTC
Does the expression "There's a sucker born every minute!" resonate with you?
2017-03-15 11:43:39 UTC
because liars, scam artists and legitimately crazy people exist.
2017-03-15 08:14:06 UTC
Who says there is no afterlife? As far as mediums go, people desperately want to believe they can communicate with deceased loved ones.
2017-03-15 07:49:29 UTC
Gods fake
2017-03-15 05:24:41 UTC
2017-03-15 02:36:35 UTC
Mediums obviously aren't for real. Probably the most famous cold reader would be John Edward. He's smart in that he casts a wide net to start, with things like, "I'm seeing a J over here." Good cold readers get the person being read to provide information, the rails that the reader can ride on. It's the same thinbg with social engineering. You let them give you the data because they believe.

The scary readers are ones that believe themselves. Those are the ones that have Kaiser Sozayed themselves (name from movie Usual Suspects, also a line from Bob's Burgers).
2017-03-15 00:15:26 UTC
Many people are deluded,


or both.



John Popelish
Uncle Fester
2017-03-14 23:38:22 UTC
I bought a medium chicken from Sainsburys. I am going to take it back, it told me nothing.
2017-03-14 23:37:41 UTC
There are no deities and yet there are priests....
miyuki & kyojin
2017-03-26 17:27:18 UTC
Are no real mediums, all claimed mediums" are frauds.
2017-03-20 23:32:57 UTC
First and foremost, the dead are unconscious.

The Bible says that the dead “are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) At death we pass, not into another plane of existence or thinking, but into nonexistence. The teaching that we have an immortal soul that survives after our body dies does not come from the Bible. (Ezekiel 18:4) Thus, any memories from a near-death experience cannot be glimpses of heaven, hell, or the afterlife.

What is the condition of the dead?

THE BIBLE’S ANSWER: “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.” *—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10.

The Grave, simply put, is where humans go when they die; it is a symbolic place or condition where any consciousness or activity ceases


What is spiritism?

To mislead people, the demons use spiritism. The practice of spiritism is involvement with the demons, both in a direct way and through a human medium. The Bible condemns spiritism and warns us to keep free from everything connected with it. (Galatians 5:19-21) Spiritism does for the demons what bait does for fishermen. A fisherman uses a variety of baits to catch various kinds of fish. Similarly, wicked spirits use different forms of spiritism to bring all sorts of people under their influence.

What is divination, and why should we avoid it?

One type of bait used by the demons is divination. What is divination? It is an attempt to find out about the future or about something unknown. Some forms of divination are astrology, the use of tarot cards, crystal gazing, palmistry, and the search for mysterious omens, or signs, in dreams. Although many people think that practicing divination is harmless, the Bible shows that fortune-tellers and wicked spirits work together. For instance, Acts 16:16-18 mentions “a demon of divination” that enabled a girl to practice fortune-telling. But she lost this ability when the demon was cast out of her.

Why is it dangerous to try to communicate with the dead?

Another way that the demons mislead people is by encouraging them to inquire of the dead. People grieving over the death of a loved one are often deceived by wrong ideas about those who have died. A spirit medium may give special information or may speak in a voice that seems to be that of a dead person. As a result, many people become convinced that the dead are really alive and that contacting them will help the living to endure their grief. But any such “comfort” is really false as well as dangerous. Why? Because the demons can imitate the voice of a dead person and give a spirit medium information about the one who died. (1 Samuel 28:3-19) Moreover, the dead have ceased to exist. (Psalm 115:17) So “anyone who inquires of the dead” has been misled by wicked spirits and is acting contrary to the will of God. (See Deuteronomy 18:10, 11; Isaiah 8:19) Therefore, be careful to reject this dangerous bait used by the demons. Wicked spirits are dangerous, but we need not live in fear of them if we oppose the Devil and draw close to God by doing His will. (Read James 4:7, 8.)

How, then, can we strengthen our faith?

By studying the Bible. The firmness of a wall depends very much on the strength of its foundation. In the same way, the firmness of our faith depends greatly on the strength of its base, which is ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of God’s Word, the Bible. If we read and study the Bible daily (and apply it in our lives), our faith will become strong. Like a strong wall, such faith will shield us from the influence of wicked spirits.—1 John 5:5.


Leviticus 20:27 states… “‘Any man or woman who acts as a spirit medium or is a fortune-teller* should be put to death without fail.+ The people should stone them to death. Their own blood is upon them.’” Source: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
2017-03-18 19:57:24 UTC
It is a way to rip off the ignorant and easily fooled amongst us.

If you want something medium, find a good steak restaurant and try one of their better steaks. You will find that this type of medium is very fulfilling and quite satisfying.

Grouch Marx: Wanna buy a duck?

W.C. Fields: You can't cheat an honest man.

Need more be said?
2017-03-17 15:45:35 UTC
1. scam

2. the mediums are real, and their is an afterlife.

Those seem to be the only solutions to your question
2017-03-17 13:33:35 UTC
There are no real mediums. People who claim to be mediums are all frauds.
Smokies Hiker
2017-03-16 16:10:50 UTC
I've never seen any medium yet that isn't a fake!
2017-03-16 06:35:35 UTC
there is
2017-03-16 00:15:09 UTC
People have psychological needs to believe in religion and afterlife
2017-03-15 23:00:27 UTC
Because there is an after life. Ive personally seen demons. So i know for a fact theres an afterlife. And in reality i always think the demons are deceiving mediums. Its really them answering not the persons real loved ones
2017-03-15 21:48:40 UTC
whatever !!!
2017-03-15 21:10:23 UTC
:lets start at the beginning

Prove that what mediums say is correct.
2017-03-15 17:12:31 UTC
con artists and scammers
2017-03-15 16:12:12 UTC
All exist just because of one thing:


There is a chinese saying goes like this

"it exists when you believe it, it doesn t when you don;t"
2017-03-15 14:34:51 UTC
The answer is need and greed. Those who visit mediums are are often troubled and grieving, the 'medium' is skilled at reading them and by this skill tell them what they need to hear, often a little at a time causing the customer to return often to the comforting presence of a person who really is tuned into them. Many plant people in their audience in order to give the illusion of a great ability.

The greed comes in when such a person makes often huge amounts of money from these needy people.
2017-03-15 11:36:28 UTC
They are called mediums because they have medium intelligence. That also means they are half stupid.
2017-03-15 11:13:34 UTC
They're fakers
2017-03-15 11:01:36 UTC
Because of large fries
2017-03-15 08:28:22 UTC
The way you ask this question suggests that you believe in the power of the 'Medium' to contact the afterlife.

My friend, you are in for a rude awakening that follows a period of being ripped off by these fraudsters, their is no way to talk to the dead, their is no proof of an afterlife.
2017-03-14 23:38:26 UTC
Because a lot of stupid people have disposable income.
2017-03-14 23:32:05 UTC
There aren't.

Just people who claim to be.
2017-03-17 02:59:11 UTC
There is an afterlife. Personally, I've had my fair share of run-ins with spirits.
2017-03-16 07:25:40 UTC
What medium
2017-03-16 00:44:24 UTC
Consider this.....God said "....if you eat from this tree you will die". Satan, using a snake told Eve " will NOT die". Over the centuries Satan has used various "false religious ideas, in both Christendom and Pagandom to get people to believe that when you die you are not really dead, but rather still alive in a different form. Satan uses, Mediums, Witch Doctors, Medicine Men and really anyone he can influence to spread the idea that you don't really die. Because people miss their dead loved ones so much and want to believe they can still contact them, it is easy to scam some people.

You can read Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 in the Bible and draw your own conclusions as to whether a

dead person could possibly communicate with anyone.
2017-03-15 20:17:27 UTC
Because they are con men/women or they have schizophrenia and turned it into a profession.
2017-03-15 17:25:53 UTC
not a single medium hasn't been disproven when tested.

have you ever watched The Mentalist? the show is fictitious, but the main character shows off real truths.
2017-03-15 13:38:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.