Are there any christian ministries that help homosexuals to be free?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Are there any christian ministries that help homosexuals to be free?
Nineteen answers:
2007-02-16 20:50:44 UTC
I do believe God works through them.

Read this testimony:

It is the Anne Paulk Story.She is an ex lesbian.

It is great.

Also read lots of testimonies on the Exodus website:
2007-02-16 20:07:56 UTC

Dennis Jernigan, a popular Christian singer and song writer was FORMERLY HOMOSEXUAL. This is a link to his testimony.
Fey fabulous
2007-02-16 21:20:08 UTC
There is this great

There you should read (and enjoy!!)

SY ROGERS testimony:

"MAn in the mirror" (its wonderful.)

There are other great ministries for people in Canada: "Another Chance"

Please go to :

It has the greatest list of ministries.

I hope you can get all the info you need.
2007-02-16 20:17:00 UTC
Free from sin, SURE! But it sounds like you want a ministry that will cater to sinful lives and that isnt what Jesus taught at all.
2007-02-16 20:16:09 UTC
I'll be glad to offer a serious answer to your question. Focus on the Family has many resources that can help. They also offer free over-the-phone counseling to help point you in the right direction as far as finding online support groups and that sort of thing. You may not find anything specific on the first page of their site, but just keep clicking or type a key word in their search box.
2007-02-16 20:08:24 UTC
I dont think homosexuals should be free. They need to charge something for their time, its only fair.
Nowhere Man
2007-02-16 20:07:50 UTC
Free from what?
ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT••
2007-02-16 20:07:06 UTC
Those organizations are BUNK. Homosexuals don't need to be "free" of homosexuality. It's not a disease, a disorder, a perversion or a SIN.
2007-02-16 20:11:15 UTC
There are ministries consisting of ex-homosexuals who will offer help to those who are struggling with their SIN of homosexuality. Do a web search. It is a real struggle for those who know it is wrong in the eyes of God, and of course there are ministries who want to help.

Jesus said, "Bear ye one another's burdens and in this way fulfill the law of Christ"

Edit: Stay away from those who want to make it Okie Dokie. It is not, nor will it ever be, OK with God to engage in same sex acts. He spoke out against it repeatedly in the Bible. Some will want to explain a very perverted translation of those scriptures so they can justify their own sinful lifestyles.

Find a group who will ADMIT that sin is sin, and no matter what the sin, we need to repent and change our ways. That goes for homosexuality as weill as adultery, lying, stealing, etc. It is what it is......SIN
2007-02-16 20:24:43 UTC
Sure! My brother was set free from homosexuality,Thanks God.

There is this great christian ministry: Exodus.Also there are some others:

Love Won Out, Desert Stream Ministries, Exodus latinamerica,NARTH,Love in Action, Firstone Ministries. To name a few.
2007-02-16 21:08:32 UTC
Gnostic Churches share many symbolic elements with Christianity and have no prejudice against homosexuality. There are many independent Gnostic fellowships--you can find a good directory of potential resources at:
2007-02-16 20:08:10 UTC
Help Homosexuals to be free? Free from what? Religious persecution? That seems to be the biggest issue facing most Gays in society.
2007-02-16 20:11:56 UTC
"Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice."
2007-02-16 20:14:00 UTC
To be free of what?

1) To be free of religious doctrine that persecutes who they are

2) To be free of the "sin" of homosexuality

I can give you references both ways.
2007-02-16 20:19:50 UTC
Free of what? The paranoid claims of the undereducated?
2007-02-16 20:09:27 UTC
What homosexuals need to be free of... is religion. Same as heterosexuals, actually.
2007-02-16 20:08:46 UTC
Free from what? Homosexuality or homophobia?
Aaron S
2007-02-16 20:12:38 UTC
free from liking another person??? are all homosexuals going to go burn in hell because they like another person
2007-02-16 20:08:17 UTC
Are you soliciting?

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