Actually what you are saying makes perfect sense to me. There is science to this. There are several theories as to why a person is gay. The most prominent I have read is a work by Simon Le Vay. He determined - through autopsy - that gay men and straight men have one single difference: the size of their hypothalamus (a gland in the middle of your brain and well known to be the source of sexual stimulation in human beings). With gay men it is small and fluffy were as in straight men, it is solid and large. He repeated this experiment with lesbian and straight women and found the reverse. Straight women had small/fluffy gland were as lesbian has large/denser gland.
So hypothalamus size wise:
Gay men = Straight women
Lesbian women = Straight men
Following years of studies, he determined that this gland is developed before birth. When he examined pregnant mothers during period of pregnancy he found that this gland gets developed during the 6th month of pregnancy. If the mother body thinks she has a daughter, she would give Oestrogen (female hormone). If she thinks she has male son, she would give Testosterone (male hormone). For some un-explained reason, the mother would give the wrong hormone. Depending on how long this hormone is given, the child may come up as Bisexual, straight acting gay guy, camp gay guy, or in extreme cases transsexual (a person who believes he is in the wrong body!).
Research into how to determine why this switch happens has been blocked. From one side, the church and religious groups would not accept it (because this would mean centuries of prosecuting gay/lesbians was a crime but more importantly it is a serious shake to their belief). From the other side, gay groups have pressured government and other organisation not to proceed in such research because this would mean there is a way to eliminate gays from existence! Hosptial scans can determine if a mother has son/daugther and a simple blood test can deterimine what hormone the mother is giving. The latest work as done by an Italian scientist two years ago who tried to determine if the mother had a genetic differences that results in this switch and managed to find some correlation in that most mothers with gay/lesbian children had actually gay/lesbian brothers and sisters!
See it is much more complicated that this but I hope I explained to you in best possible way. And if you are wandering how a bisexual man/woman hypothalamus would look, well it is medium size/denisty, they got mix of hormones and thus they would like both!
Hope this helps explain to you why most gay people never change. Those who call themselves Ex-gays then to be bisexual ones (Freud through hypnosis determined 92% are bisexual by nature!).
Dr. FS