There are LOTS of different ways to use this energy.
There is Qigong, Kiko. Hawai'ian mysticism, Seichim, Reiki, Magnussa Phoenix, and many more. such as the myraid of martial arts Aikido, Tae Kwan Do, Karate, etc.
In my youth I I studied four different martial arts, and went on to receive the title master in one of them, and receive the title master in seven other healing modalities.
Of my 30+ years of energy work experience; my preferred method of manipulating energy is Hawai'ian mysticism.
You can learn a lot more about this path at my website, and my blog
When you go to my blog; be sure to click on the tags "hawaiian_magic", and "pule_me_mana"
The entries under the tag "Hawaiian_magic are the first six chapters from the book "Hawaiian Magic" by Dr. Clark Wilkerson and published in 1968.
The entries under pule me mana have the six chapters of Dr. Wilkerson's book, AND the material from my website with about three years of new and updated information.