I am an empath .Or empathetic human being.I believe
everyone has to be to a certain degree.Empathy is simply remorse,guilt,for something ,often you have nothing to do with
literly.It is really not a fair emotion or being for the beholder.
I was an epath to death actually.I still am" sensitive " thats what
I prefer regardless.. If people believe it after so long.
Emphathy is a "human" neccessity" basically..It is the pre requisite to sorrow and understandingEmpathetics are .People who know and have experienced the same feelings towards any other especially in social situations and at some level are .
Who accept you because they may"Know what your going through"
Most emphathetics have been there somehow where you are
but in intelligence and understanding and feel the same pain .
Which is why I rather have an empath for a friend "All
empaths who truly are make the best friends.For thei r
sensitivity ,understanding ect.